Plastics Moulding and Tooling has the premium equipment needed for cost-effective and timely moulding.
Undercuts and complex areas usually requiring slider or up and aways, can be achieved using "knock-out" inserts and manually dismantled.
Loading in inserts, over-molding, or custom components that require encapsulation can all be achieved.
The parts themselves can be trimmed or post-worked, to enable machining of undercuts or features that would have made the tooling price prohibitive.
This enables you to get fully functional parts in the correct material to test or trial so your confidence in the production tool can be assured.
Molding Machine 180T INJECTION UNIT
Shot weight: 351 - 598g
Clamping force: 180 t
Space between tie bars: 505 × 500
Max Tool Height: 720 mm
Molding Machine 328T INJECTION UNIT
Shot weight: 1200g
Clamping force: 328 t
Space between tie bars: 505 × 500
Max Tool Height: 720 mm
Unit 2, 26 Hector Street,
Osborne Park,
WA 6017